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Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science, 3rd Ed.

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Disguised as a Python textbook, it is really an introduction to the fine art of programming, using Python merely as the preferred medium for beginners. This is how I have always imagined Python would be most useful in education: not as the only language, but as a first language, just as in art one might start learning to draw using a pencil rather than trying to paint in oil right away. --from the Foreword by Guido van Rossum, creator of PythonZelle's book introduces Python and computer science concepts in a style that beginning students find appealing and easy to understand. --Dave Reed, Capital University
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Product details
Paperback: 552 pages
Publisher: Franklin, Beedle & Associates; 3rd edition (August 8, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1590282752
ISBN-13: 978-1590282755
Product Dimensions:
7.5 x 1.1 x 9.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.4 out of 5 stars
269 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#10,833 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I'm really only a few chapters in so far, but I felt the need to express my unanswered frustrations and how this book answered them.I've always wanted to learn computer programming since I was a kid, back in the days when computers were the scary things they had in school libraries that adults were scared of getting too close to. I even bought a book on C when I was young enough to only require one digit in my age, and I didn't even own a computer and probably had only used one a few dozen times. I have throughout my life bought, attempted to learn, and failed miserably at learning programming many times. Each time I get terribly stuck and confused. I curse the writers of these books who advertise "programming for the absolute beginner" who I seem so disconnected to. I figured it was me, that maybe I wasn't smart enough, or that for some reason I just could never learn how to do cool stuff with a computer. In my most recent spate I bought another book on computer programming - also on Python. While I did learn to do some stuff, there was still this weird disconnect.But this book is different and now I finally realize what I had been struggling with: the author *actually explains* what each programming concept does. This sounds silly - of course all programming books do that! But you'd be wrong. Apparently understanding what something like "for i in range(10):" does and what each part is for and called is in the realm of 'computer science.' It sounds stupid, but it took me a while in my first couple of attempts at learning programming in the early days, to realize (because no one actually said it), that a computer program is executed from top to bottom, left to right. A program is more like a player piano. So in the first couple of chapters I was delighted that the author actually says that.So I guess the difference between this book and all the others I've read is that even if the other books say it's for someone who has never programmed before, they make a lot of assumptions about what you know and what you should have figured out from the context. But this book actually explains each concept as it comes up. In fact, this book is more explanation than code. Which is good because when you're starting out you're full of funny concepts about how programming might work. You don't necessarily understand that when you write "x = 2 + y" and then later change the value of y, that won't actually change the value of x. And the reason you don't know that is because the author didn't bother explaining to you exactly how variables work in Python.So for learning Python, this is a great resource and exactly what I needed after two decades of on-and-off spates or trying to learn programming. As for learning Computer Science? I guess I don't know a lot about it, but I don't think this would be a great resource. This book doesn't look like it explains binary code to you, or how transistors work, haw NAND and OR circuits work, or any of those sorts of things. There is some of that - it briefly explains the difference between hardware and software, CPU, RAM, etc. But really it's fairly superficial coverage. So the book really should be called Python Programming: A Concept-Based Approach. If I took a class called "an introduction to programming" I would be extremely happy if they assigned this book, but if the class was called "an introduction to computer science" I'd feel as if the class was misrepresented.Also, I'd also say don't buy this book if you already have a good grounding in some other computer programming language. I think one of those many other books that I struggled with would be a much better fit for you. You won't be lost in poorly defined terminology or zip past what a thing does and focus mostly just on how Python does it. This book will spend way too much time explaining those things you've already figured out by now. If know C++ or Java or whatever, you probably already know the difference between a float and an integer and at the most just need a refresher.Anyway, I didn't see any other reviews mention these points and I really am glad I found this book. So hopefully you guys will understand better what this book is really all about, which the description does a poor job of doing, in my opinion.
Never done coding before but have been around computers for a long time. Love this book because it teaches you the basics, tests your knowledge at the end of the chapter, and then gives you problems that are quite difficult which will require you to pull all that you learned from the chapter in order to complete. Very thorough but I found that the python language has been updated since the release of this book. I believe this book was for 3.1 and it's now on 3.5 and there are minor differences.i.e. x=eval(input("type something")) you no longer need the eval like it says in the book. It was rather frustrating at the beginning because a noob like me didn't understand why nothing was working but, google is there to answer all your questions :)
One of the best books on Python that I have read. I'm 2/3 through it and have learned more about coding techniques than I learned from any of the half dozen books I've tried to use in the past. For example, I've seen OOP described in other books that just left me puzzled. After reading Zelle's explanation I actually understand how to use OOP and have worked my way through several examples and programming exercises in the book. I am trying to learn Computer Science on my own, without an instructor, and Zelle's book has allowed me to make a huge step forward in developing my skill set. I highly recommend this book for anyone interested in learning Python with self study.
I've attempted many times to learn some programming but was instantly daunted by how some courses and books immediately dive you into seemingly impossible challenges. I've been using John Zelle's book in addition to Python Crash Course (No Starch Press) and the two books have given me a great introduction to the world of Python and programming.John Zelle introduces you to computer science concepts while keeping it in the context of programming. It is a very text heavy book but in no way is the author verbose. He succinctly explains concepts or describes the inner workings of the provided code without getting bogged down in theory. The programs are interesting and provide a window into the practical application of the Python language. You won't be writing loops just for the sake of writing loops. The author took great care to ensure that the example topics were relatable to the real world. Programming exercises are provided at the end of each chapter and vary in complexity so you can always feel some confidence that you learned something after completing a few of the exercises. Even the exercises that I feel I couldn't even attempt at least were thought-provoking.I highly recommend this book. Not once did I feel frustrated or have to research on the internet myself to figure out what the author was trying to explain. This book is a wonderful resource for the burgeoning programmer.
This is the second quarter I've used this book as the textbook for an introduction to programming college course.It works rather well as a medium to ease non-programmers into the art. A great deal of important vocabulary is weaved into the material. And the graphics module appears to motivate students to push the boundaries and create little GUI apps.The code works with Python3, and I've had no issues supporting Windows 10, Mac OS, and Ubuntu.
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