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Organizational Communication: Approaches and Processes
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"I've used the Miller book in this course now for many years. I've done so because it is a skillful representation of where the field has been and where it is at. Kathy does an amazing job weaving in representative classic research from the field along with contemporary sources and new developments. Second, I think the book is highly readable. Kathy is an excellent writer and is able to convey complex theoretical ideas and research in language accessible to our undergraduate students.""I like several things about the book. First, it provides a pretty balanced approach between theory and practical issues. Each chapter typically includes theoretical/scholarly approaches to Org Comm, and also includes practical information, as examples or case studies. Second, the book is written in a very concise manner. Each chapter of the Miller book can be broken up into relatively short, but information heavy reading segments. So our busy students don't have to read extra-long chapters to get much foundational information. Finally, the book effectively covers most of the critical Org Comm issues, both foundational issues and more contemporary issues."
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About the Author
Dr. Katherine Miller is a leading scholar on communication in healthcare organizations. She holds bachelors and masters degrees in communication from Michigan State University, and a doctorate from the Annenberg School of Communication at the University of Southern California. She served on the faculties of the University of Kansas, Arizona State University, and Michigan State University, and has been a professor in Texas A&M University's Department of Communication since 1998. Dr. Miller is the author of three books and more than 50 journal articles and book chapters.
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Product details
Hardcover: 352 pages
Publisher: Cengage Learning; 7 edition (January 1, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1285164202
ISBN-13: 978-1285164205
Product Dimensions:
7.4 x 0.7 x 9.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.5 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
3.7 out of 5 stars
48 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#74,878 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
This is a textbook. I mean, there isn't much to be said about it, as it isn't really good or bad, just serves its purpose for my class. However, I'm taking stars away because I received the book with a bunch of what looks like envelope labels in it, and I suppose that someone tried to remove them and completely ripped part of a whole paragraph out of the book. Aside from that, the book is actually in great condition. However...Of the four books I've recently rented, three of them have had issues from torn pages to backing falling apart to being heavily written in and highlighted (my book for my upcoming course has full pages highlighted). I understand that these books are used, but I think Amazon can do a better job of vetting the quality of the books before sending them to other students.
I'm sure the author and the publishers worked very hard on this book, and I am sorry to only give it 2 stars, but brace yourselves for a dry read. It's in black and white, no graphs, no pictures, no side notes, "fun facts," or anything to break up the monotony.I've only read the first few pages, and so far I am struggling to stay interested. I hope that changes as the semester progresses.(Also, delivery was super fast which was awesome)
The book is very boring. It is a textbook, and I know they are not suppose to be fun. The book is still very informational, and you will learn a lot, but still it is boringSeller was quick on delivery, I got it on time for class. Some highlighter marks, nothing I cannot deal, or even really care about. Book is good shape. This book as of right now is the reading material for ASU Com.250 course.
One of the most horrible text books I have come across in my academic career. It is written more like a research paper and is difficult to read naturally. Hope your professor doesn't require this.
Like any standard textbook, it's helpful, but painful to get through. I rented this book as an eBook and the formatting was decent which was a nice change from other books I have gotten in the past. My problem with this book is the incredible amount of filler words. I found myself skimming a lot just to get to a main point. It's well organized and has lots of examples and such and I did learn from it but it was hard dealing with how dry it is.
Book is stupid. I hated this class. Most of this stuff is common sense.
I use this book for a course in Organizational Communication I teach. The students find it readable, manageable and well-organized, with relevant examples and case studies.
Great deal
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